Low lights from a recently filled sketchbook. The best part of academic classes is all the opportunity they provide for filling sketchbooks. All resemblances to people I know or have known is completely intentional.
Justin Bieber pictures!
I put Justin Bieber in this post twice in hopes that when people google 'Justin Bieber' they get this post as a result and are completely tricked in to looking at my blog.
Photos? Whhaaaaatt. These started as a class project for Light and Color, but it wound up being entertaining. These are just four from three rolls of film I shot with my jerry-rigged Pentax K1000 turned pinhole camera.
Visited Santa Barbara this last week. Made my first visit to the Santa Barbara Zoo in over two years. A nice little zoo for those not familiar with it, better than the LA zoo even if smaller. Take yourself up there for some lunch and animal drawing, you just might enjoy it.
Summer time and livin' is borrring. Bored is kind of a curse word. There isn't really many good reasons to ever be bored, but I'm giving myself an exception this break from Heck in the summer of shit.
Street Sketching. Not exciting but good practice. The top one I did today while I ate after getting a haircut. The bottom ones are from creative perspective. Done mostly at The Lakes and Civics Arts Plaza in Thousand Oaks, my former home away from home. CLICK TO ENLARGE!
The good, the bad, and the cowboy with tiny feet. Gouache and prismacolor on canson paper to be different.
Also you may now become my follower and do exactly as I instruct you. Just like Charles Manson's followers; minus the insanity, murder, weird cult stuff or swastikas on the head.
A redesign of the movie The Prestige in to an animated film. I moved the story in to the 1930's. I was going for a mixture of old Warner Bro's animations and the Max Fleischer Superman cartoons in style. This project was demanding but fun. For Richard Keyes Color and Story class.... and no it wasn't for the Fall.
Week 14 post! Some quick animals from last break which feels like forever ago. I can't wait to get back out and just draw again. My brain is already on break.
Norm was a really cool guy and someone I could really relate to. We shared similar interests and I really enjoyed the trips we took in his dynamic sketching class, especially the Nethercut where he got us in the private collection tour then our class got a special tour in the restoration area which blew my gear-head mind. Also Planes of Fame, it was great being able to talk to him about the aircraft; something I don't often get to talk about with someone so knowledgeable. Not to mention he helped me improve my drawing.
Goodbye Norm, my life is certainly better for having had the pleasure to be one of your students.
I'm taking drawing for Illustration this term, aka; drawing with a pen. I enjoy this class but I have a hard time slowing down. 100 mph is the speed I draw.
I visited San Luis Obispo this weekend, and Morro Bay. I've been doing a lot of drawing from observation this break and its been a lot of fun. Especially fun at cool locations like Morro Bay with a rad looking power plant just to my right, I have a third eye now.